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About The European Movement


Who We Are

The European Movement is a cross-party, single-issue organisation. We are powered by our over 22,000 members, over 200,000 campaign supporters, over 100 local groups, and our strong networks in Westminster and the EU.

The European Movement President is Lord Heseltine, and our Chair is Mike Galsworthy. The Movement’s strategy is directed by our National Council – a 100 strong body of campaigners from right across the UK. Nick Harvey, our CEO, leads the staff team and oversees operational delivery of the strategy.


What We Believe

The UK shares deeply held values and a common history with our European neighbours. The EU and its member states are natural trading and cultural partners for the UK and together, we can exercise powerful influence on the world stage.

Brexit was a historic, national mistake. UK’s economic and political interests, and the global pursuit of our shared values of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, are best achieved through the UK playing our full part as a member of the European Union.


Our History

The European Movement was founded by Winston Churchill in 1948. For over 70 years, we have worked to build a closer relationship with the rest of Europe. Our organisation played a significant role in securing the UK’s membership of the European Community in 1975 and we were a partner in the People’s Vote campaign in the aftermath of the 2016 referendum that led to UK leaving the European Union. We are now continuing that long legacy of pro-European campaigning.


Our Strategy

The European Movement’s mission is to reverse the calamity of Brexit and win the Battle for the Soul of our Country by shifting public opinion.


You can join the European Movement from £3 per month here 

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